Thursday, May 21, 2009

1. ummmm HELLO!!!
2. HOWDY!!!
3. HI!!! :)
4. well I am officially a cheerleader again this year... :)
4. (continued) YEAH HANNA HAYES!!!
4. Now were both cheerleaders!!!
4. now on to fundraising...
5. were selling REX... :)
5. aka cleaning products that are well pretty cool, i guess...
5. they clean up rust, dirt, oil, grease, can be used in laundry, on dishes, windows, cars, carpet, and just about anything else you can think of...
5. It comes in a 32 ounce jarthingy but it is pure concentrate... so with a little water... BAM 60 gallons of cleaning product... :)
7. oh well...
8. but it is priced conviently at this special low price of... ummm $12.95... :)
(plus tax)
9. well haba gud dah!!!
MmMmMmMmMmBye! :)
10. Bye
11. oh and well Track is over now...
12. Now I just have open gym... and fundraising for cheerleading... :)
13. officially BYE NOW!!!
14. ;)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Howdy Hi Hello! :)

1. I'm wearing magical pink shorts... (which btw aren't as cool as my turquoise ones)
2. I'm in Keyboarding class...
3. Cheer tryouts are tonight...
5. Hello Hanna Hayes!!! are you ready for movie night??? woo-hoo!!! :)
6. ummmm
7. oh Student Council Cookout today!!!
8. TGIF!!!
9. TGIF!!!
10. TGIF!!!
11. ummm bye
12. Haba gud dah!!! mmmbye!!!
13. Bye Hanna Hayes...<3

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ummm Hanna tells me to title these so here it is!

Yesterday was the Honors Reception at the High School... I was notified a few days ago that I was going to sing for it... :) well that was a shocker... I had to sing a song from the play, and I was uber nervous..... aka I about passed out right before I had to sing... I squeezed Hannas leg before I went on... :) she was HAPPY... but I remembered all the words, and it actually wasn't tooo bad... I made High Honors (along with Hanna Hayes) !!!!! :) (aka were smart) I also got excepted into the National Honor SOciety... I guess thats a big deal so YEAH! ummmmmm we have a track meet today but it might get cancelled... probably bc of the rain.... if it does I have play practice til' ??? bc she is insisting on keeping us forever.... to make sure were ready for Friday..... :) Hanna Hayes ILY!!! LiBbY:)

Monday, April 27, 2009


:) thats all I have to say... all I got..... sorry Hanna... My minds drawing a blank right now... probably because I stayed up entirely to late last night... not to name names "cough HANNA HAYES!!! cough" yep i'm blaming you!!! btw Im burnt and I look like a lobster... on my shoulders and back... ouch

Thursday, April 23, 2009

soooo sad.....

SO im sad because my sister just moved out... She doesn't live that far away, but it seems like it... we've lived together all of my life, and my house seems soooo quiet without her... We used to have the bunkbeds going when we were little, and those were fun... I'm also going to miss having our cheesy sleepovers in eachothers rooms, like we did when we moved to our new houses... At least now shes closer to her new nursing job in Champaign.... And she says I can stay over anytime... I defiantly will!!! :) but I love her and miss her... And I've found texting is never the same as being in person....... Melissa Sue I Love YOU!!! xoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo

Fun Fun Fun:)

Hey again... well I'm kinda nervous because the play is coming up in about a week... wow how time flies... I have my lines memorized, but we've been coreographing and dancing a Lot... My legs are killing me, but its a price you have to pay... We had our second track meet yesterday... it went pretty well... I did long jump, and jumped only 12, 5 so not even close to my best... at all... I also did the 300 hurdles for the first time, and for those of you who don't know thats three-fourths of the track, with hurdles... I Didn't fall so thats a plus, and I got third in my heat... :) sooo thats about all... going shopping on Saturday... woo-hoo!!! :) ily Hanna!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hey Girl Hey... Hanna Hayes:) ummm so there is a funny story about what happened this weekend... It started out nice, I went shopping with Hanna and then we went out to eat... We went to Texas Roadhouse, and I ordered a monsterous cheeseburger... I ate it all and lets just say It came back to me later and I projectial vomitted everywhere... including on the wall:( well I feel better now but yesterday was a gross experience! Libby <3

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fun Fun Fun...

So not much is going on... except track started and our first meet is coming up... also play practice is still going... we have to have our lines memorized by Monday... haha and the play isn't til May! :) Ummm The fish fry is Friday so i'll be there pretty much all night... hopefully it will be fun... Friday is also Hanna's 1 month... :) :) :) :P lol, LIBBY <3


Friday, February 27, 2009

Guys And Dolls!

This is the play the school is putting on in May... I got the role of Adelaide and I'm really excited!!!guys and dolls Pictures, Images and Photos


umm so not much is going on now, basketball is over :( Cheerleading is over now too :(
but on a better note play practice has started, I got the lead role that I wanted!!! Also track will start soon... about 2 weeks I think!!! yeah! This weekend I'm going roller-skating, and babysitting thats about it!!! :) XoXoXo Libby

Monday, February 2, 2009

well whats up??? I havent been doing too much... just b-ball, and cheering!!! :) im kind of confused about somethings, but right now im not worried about it, im just having fun and enjoying life! :)

black and white Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

hello everyone... (Hanna) the only one who looks at my blog... well this is for you! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hey Everyone, so sorry, its been a long time since i've wrote:( still pretty busy with b-ball, and cheerleading... In B-ball we're 4th in the conference:) and in cheerleading we are getting ready to go to a competition on Sunday!!! yeah... well, school is good, same old Del-Wel!!! Once-again, sorry for not updating very much... sorry lol,
Libby :)
(the "o" face!)